The SCI Course Advanced Lectures Residential Course W.P.A.

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Arabic Title MHEC    A Tour in Lebanon Via the Internet Lebanon

The SCI Course

The Transcendental Meditation Program in Lebanon

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P.O.Box 11-6822 Beirut-Lebanon

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The Science of Creative Intelligence

The Science of Creative Intelligence - SCI is the science of consciousness, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. The SCI is the systematic study of the field of pure intelligence, the unified field of the Natural Law, and its organizing power in nature.

Creative Intelligence is the impelling life force which expresses itself in the evolutionary process, creating and ordering all forms and relationships in the universe.

At the basis of creative intelligence is its own unmanifest nature, which is pure intelligence, pure existence, pure consciousness, the source and substance of all creation, eternal and non-changing. Its unmanifest nature as consciousness is present in all its manifestations. Therefore, no manifestation is foreign to consciousness; the whole range of creative intelligence, manifest and unmanifest, is open to direct experience.

Human Consciousness can realize the truth of every aspect of creation in terms of itself and naturally become capable of accomplishing anything - capable of enjoying the full range of creative intelligence in its infinite potential.

The purpose of the Science of Creative Intelligence is to provide the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary and sufficient to culture human consciousness to enjoy the full potential of creative intelligence and to live a life of eternal freedom, playing in the field of all possibilities.

The SCI course consists of 33 videotaped lectures given by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.




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