Ayur Veda Jyotish Sthapatya Veda Corporate

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Arabic Title MHEC    A Tour in Lebanon Via the Internet Lebanon


The Transcendental Meditation Program in Lebanon

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P.O.Box 11-6822 Beirut-Lebanon

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Maharishi Corporate Development Program

The Maharishi Corporate Development Program offers a proven technology of human resource development -- the Transcendental Meditation® technique -- with an unmatched 40-year track record of success. Implemented in hundreds of companies worldwide, including Fortune 100 companies in the U.S. and leading firms in Japan and Europe, the Maharishi Corporate Development Program has been shown to be highly effective in improving employee health, creativity, and productivity while reducing and eliminating the detrimental effects of stress on employee health and job performance. This unique program is easy to implement and cost-effective. The benefits are both immediate and cumulative.


The Maharishi Corporate Development Program is the only program of human resource development that has been validated by extensive published scientific research. Its benefits have been documented in over 500 published studies conducted at over 200 universities and research institutions, including Harvard Medical School, Stanford University, University of Chicago, and UCLA. These studies have been published in such leading journals as the Academy of Management Journal, Science, Psychosomatic Medicine, Hypertension, American Psychologist, and American Journal of Managed Care. Key research findings include the following:

Improved Productivity and Job Performance: Enhanced job performance and job satisfaction, improved teamwork and communication, increased productivity, improved relations with co-workers and supervisors, and reduced absenteeism and sick days. Numerous company case studies have documented increased sales revenues and profits, improved employee morale, more harmonious work environment, and reduced mistakes, job accidents, and injuries.

Improved Health: Reduced risk factors for ill health such as stress and anxiety, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, insomnia, smoking, drinking, and drug abuse. Reduced need for health care and decreased health care costs: 56% less hospitalization overall, including 87% less hospitalization for heart disease, and 55% less for cancer. Reversal of biological aging.

Unfoldment of Mental Potential: Increased creativity and intelligence, improved memory and learning ability, improved problem-solving ability and decision making, reduced stress and job tension, improved personal and work relationships, improved psychological health, and broader comprehension along with increased ability to focus.


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