Ayur Veda Jyotish Sthapatya Veda Corporate

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MHEC English Title
Arabic Title MHEC    A Tour in Lebanon Via the Internet Lebanon

Sthapatya Veda

The Transcendental Meditation Program in Lebanon

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Postal address
Adlieh Area
Near Post Office Sahalian Building
Ground Floor,
P.O.Box 11-6822 Beirut-Lebanon

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Maharishi  Sthapatya Veda

Architecture in Accord with Natural Law

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Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design is the most ancient and supreme system of country, town, village, and home planning in accord with Natural Law—connecting individual life with cosmic life, individual intelligence with cosmic intelligence, and creating ideal living conditions on earth where everyone will feel, “I am living in heaven.” 

Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design is the knowledge that establishes everything in the most orderly way so that everything is completely nourished by everything else. Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture is the supreme science of establishment which places the parts and the whole, the individual and the universe, in perfect alliance with each other.
People who live and work in buildings designed according to Maharishi Sthapatya Veda architecture find that they:

• think more clearly and creatively
• make better decisions
• feel happier and healthier
• feel more alert and refreshed throughout the day
• enjoy more restful and refreshing sleep
• enjoy more energy and less fatigue
• experience less stress and greater peace of mind

According to the tradition of Maharishi Sthapatya Veda design, houses and offices not built in accord with Natural Law can create problems:
• anxiety, depression

• illness, chronic disease
• blocks to creativity
• bad luck, financial loss
• obstacles to progress and success
• disharmony in relationships, breakdown of family
• anti-social behavior and even criminal tendencies



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