Maharishi International News

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Arabic Title MHEC    A Tour in Lebanon Via the Internet Lebanon

International News

The Transcendental Meditation Program in Lebanon

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New.gif (17000 bytes)     Maharishi Open University

It is a great joy to confirm that this Sunday, August 2nd, Maharishi Open University will begin weekly television broadcasts to the whole world. These Sunday Broadcasts expand to 24-hour broadcasts throughout the week.

Enlightenment through Total Knowledge of Natural Law
Maharishi Open University offers Enlightenment through Total Knowledge of Natural Law for fulfillment and problem-free personal and professional life.
The Sunday Broadcast of Maharishi Open University will lay out the total range of knowledge and will categorize Total Knowledge in segments or courses. The public will then be able to take these courses for diplomas and degrees during the week via satellite in their own homes.

Total Knowledge in Every Brain
Instead of making available all knowledge in one university campus, Maharishi Open University makes Total Knowledge available in every brain. The schedule of the free Sunday Broadcasts that will be a permanent feature of MOU, as well as details for receiving the broadcasts are listed below. These broadcasts will not be available on the Internet. The Sunday Broadcasts will be in English with translation initially available on the second audio channel in Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Arabic, Dutch, Spanish (in Latin America) and French (in North America and the Caribbean). Later this month we will add more languages in Europe and elsewhere.

[ More Details ]



Inauguration of Maharishi Open University
It is a great joy to announce that on the Guru Purnima Day, July 9 1998, Maharishi inaugurated Maharishi Open University to bring the Total Knowledge of Natural Law to everyone in their own home. Weekly one-hour satellite broadcasts will start reaching all parts of the world very soon.

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"What matters is happiness in life and freedom from problems and suffering. Since the Self of everyone is an ocean of knowledge, bliss and power, through even one hour a week everyone can have the qualities of Bliss, Pure Knowledge, and Infinite Organizing Power enlivened in their awareness, to bring perfection in their professional and private life. This is the knowledge that will be enlivened through Maharishi Open University."     - Maharishi 

The weekly broadcasts will enliven the entire population of your area.

Opening Schools for Enlightenment in Every City

People could come to the center once a week for classes.

People could have a satellite dish at home and take the classes there, but come to the center for exams in order to accumulate credit for degrees.

Every center could open many schools by putting up 10 satellite dishes in surrounding cities and towns.

Courses for every age will be available, so that families will come with their children for consciousness-based education, parents will receive adult education, and grandparents will get courses for the retired population.

Natural Law Medicine will be one of the courses of Maharishi Open University, offering supreme knowledge in the field of health. In the same way, courses will be available to train experts for every area of society.


Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health
Instantaneous Relief

From: MAHARISHI VEDIC UNIVERSITY - Department of Health Care
            Postbox 272, NL 6300 AG Valkenburg, the Netherlands
            Fax: 0031-43-60 14088     E-mail:

Through a New Approach Using the Inner Intelligence of the Body It is our joy to invite you to experience our comprehensive program of Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health. Ancient Vedic Technology

Demonstrations of ancient Vedic techniques for instant relief held recently in Holland, Germany, and France have given a taste of instant transformation from disorderly functioning of the physiology to orderly functioning of the physiology. Through a tender impulse of sound pain is transformed into a feeling of relief; abnormality is transformed into normal physiological functioning; the inner intelligence of the body is enlivened in order to revitalize its physiological expression of intelligence. This is a key technology coming from the ancient Vedic tradition of India to promote health. We have done multi-center research using double-blind controlled studies with many scientists, on many diseases, and have found very significant improvements, and in a large number of cases cure. This has shown the effectiveness of the program, and we therefore invite people with any kind of health problem to come and try this new approach to treatment of disease. Experts in the Instant Relief Program are presently available in Valkenburg, Holland. It will be a joy to welcome you at Maharishi Vedic University, to experience this ancient approach to health and well-being. Fee and Time Requirement

The fee depends on the severity of the disease and on the time it will take to treat it. It ranges between 20 000.- and 50 000.- NLG. The time of treatment will be between 7 and 14 days. Treatment programs will include all required aspects like Maharishi Yagyas, Vedic sounds, Vedic Physiological Purification Procedures, special Vedic herbal food supplements, Vedic exercise and personalized diet, and instructions in health-promoting daily and seasonal routines. For application, please contact our office at fax number 0031-43-6014088, or by mail to the address mentioned above. You will then receive a form to be filled which will be used to design your personalized program. People with financial difficulties may request special payment procedures. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
With kind regards and all our best wishes,
Jai Guru Dev

Maharishi Vedic University
Department of Health Care


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