Maharishi International News

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The Transcendental Meditation Program in Lebanon

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Near Post Office Sahalian Building
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P.O.Box 11-6822 Beirut-Lebanon

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Mahrishi's Acheivements


1957: Maharishi founds the world-wide Spiritual Regeneration Movement.

1957-1967: Maharishi introduces research in the field of consciousness and brings to light seven states of consciousness.

1970: The first scientific research validating the effects of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation programme is published in the international scientific journals Science and Scientific American.

1972: Maharishi inaugurates his World Plan and creates a new science -- the Science of Consciousness, the Science of Creative Intelligence, training 2,000 teachers of this science [by now 40,000] to bring the timeless message of Transcending to all parts of the globe.

1975: Maharishi discovers the Constitution of the Universe -- the lively potential of Natural Law -- in Rk Ved, and discovers the structuring dynamics of Rk Ved in the entire Vedic Literature.
On the basis of the discovery of the Maharishi Effect, Maharishi celebrates the Dawn of the Age of Enlightenment around the world, with grand celebrations on all continents.

1976: Maharishi creates a World Government for the Age of Enlightenment with its sovereignty in the domain of consciousness and authority in the invincible power of Natural Law.
Maharishi introduces the TM-Sidhi Programme and the experience of bubbling bliss in Yogic Flying to create supreme mind-body co-ordination in the individual and coherence in world consciousness.

1978: Maharishi inaugurates the "Ideal Society Campaign in 108 Countries". Maharishi creates the World Peace Project, sending teams of Yogic Flyers to the most troubled areas of the world, to calm the violence.
Maharishi formulates his Absolute Theories of Government, Education, Health, Defence, Economy, Management, and Law and Order to raise every area of life to perfection.

1980: Maharishi brings to light the commentary of Rk Veda, Apaurusheya Bhashya, as the self-generating, self-perpetuating structure of consciousness.

1981: Maharishi organises the centuries-old scattered Vedic Literature as the literature of a perfect science -- Maharishi's Vedic Science and Technology.

1984: The first group of 7,000 Yogic Flyers gathers in Fairfield, Iowa, USA. Scientific research on this assembly validates Maharishi's prediction that when the square root of one percent of the world's population practices the TM-Sidhi programme, including Yogic Flying, together in one place, positive trends increase and negative tendencies decrease throughout the whole world.

1985: Maharishi brings to light the full potential of Ayur-Veda, Gandharva Veda, Dhanur-Veda, Sthapatya Veda, and Jyotish to create a disease-free and problem-free family of nations.

1988: Maharishi formulates his Master Plan to Create Heaven on Earth for the reconstruction of the whole world, inner and outer.

1992: Maharishi brings to light Supreme Political Science to introduce automation in administration and create conflict-free politics and a problem-free government in every country.

1993: Maharishi inaugurates Global Ram Raj.
Maharishi's Absolute Theory of Government and his practical formula "A Group for a Government" is verified politically in Mozambique and scientifically by a multi-million dollar experiment Washington, USA.
Maharishi discovers the Veda and Vedic Literature in human physiology, establishing the grand unity of all material diversity of creation -- of all sciences and of all religions.
Maharishi establishes Maharishi Vedic Universities and Maharishi Ayur-Veda Universities throughout the world to offer mastery over Natural Law on every level of education -- perfection in every profession.

1994: Maharishi introduces programmes for prevention in the fields of health and security, to create healthy national life and an invincible armour of defence for the nation through the creation of a PREVENTION WING of Yogic Flyers in the military of every country.

1995: Maharishi establishes Maharishi University of Management in the U.S.A., Japan, Holland, and Russia and introduces his Corporate Revitalisation Programme.

1996: Maharishi establishes a new system of health care -- Maharishi's Vedic Approach to Health -- the complete and perfect system of prevention and cure of disease, which handles health from the field of the inner intelligence of the body.
Maharishi inaugurates a programme to establish a Global Administration through Natural Law, Maharishi Vedic Vishwa Prashasan, inviting all concerned citizens to join a People's United Nations and bring invincibility and self-sufficiency to every country on earth.

1997: Maharishi establishes his Global Administration through Natural Law, with 12 Time Zone Capitals around the world.
Maharishi Global Construction Company is established in many countries to reconstruct the world in the light of the Vedic Principles of Construction -- Sthapatya Veda, Vastu Vidya -- building in accord with Natural Law.

1998: Professor Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., is awarded his weight in gold for his historic discovery that the totality of Veda and Vedic Literature, along with all the Gods and Goddesses and the whole cosmos, is located in the physiology of every human being.
The Maharishi Channel -- Maharishi Veda Vision -- begins broadcasts in India, bringing a new light of Heaven on Earth, Vedic Civilization returning, a time of peace and happiness dawning.

Jai Guru Dev



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