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MHEC English Title
Arabic Title MHEC    A Tour in Lebanon Via the Internet Lebanon

About us

The Transcendental Meditation Program in Lebanon

Our TM Center
Our TM Movement
The Int'l Movement
Tony Nader
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Postal address
Adlieh Area
Near Post Office Sahalian Building
Ground Floor,
P.O.Box 11-6822 Beirut-Lebanon

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Maharishi Health Education Center
in Association with
Maharishi Vedic University

Maharishi Health Education Center is one of the Active Transcendental Mediataion Centers all over the world, dedicated to give the scientifically proven techniques and courses in Maharishi Vedic Science and Technology. The courses given by Maharishi Health Education Center are grouped in one Integrated Program called:

Stress Management Program

This scientifically proven educational program is based on the Maharishi Vedic Science and Technologies offered by Maharishi Vedic Universities all over the world. The Stress Management Program includes special courses and techniques for the development of higher states of consciousness, on the level of the individual and society.



Tony Nader Book
A Gift from Lebanon


Professor Tony Nader MD, Ph.D.
Discoverer of the structures of intelligence
in terms of the Veda and Vedic Literature,
at the basis of the human physiology

See the broadcast of
the global celebration honoring
Professor Tony Nader MD, Ph.D.
for Supreme Scientific Discovery

Click here to see the broadcast
Click Here

A tour in Lebanon via the Internet
An E-tour in Lebanon


The Land of Immortality

The Cedar tree on the flag, is the symbol of Immortality




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