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MHEC English Title
Arabic Title MHEC    A Tour in Lebanon Via the Internet Lebanon


The Transcendental Meditation Program in Lebanon

Music Selections
Love & God
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Contact Information

Postal address
Adlieh Area
Near Post Office Sahalian Building
Ground Floor,
P.O.Box 11-6822 Beirut-Lebanon

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Send Email to: "Cosmic Computer Expert"


Our Services

Maharishi Health Education Center is happy to present in this section of four pages of the website, useful information and links to all the members of the TM Movement all over the world.

This section includes the following:

Video Presentations

Introduction on TM

TM in Business

Guru Purnima 1998 Celebration

Professor Tony Nader Celebration

12 January 1998 Celebration


Gandharva Veda Music Selections




Love and God

This web page is a translation of the second part of Maharishi's Book LOVE & GOD into Arabic Language. In order to read the Arabic language page it is needed to have an Arabic internet browser


Chronic Disease ProgramChronic Disease Program



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